In the meantime, we've had a few slow days since. This evening we drove the kids up to the airport to check out Poppy's airplane and one of the helicopters used to fight the forest fires. It's currently stationed here on stand-by. Since all the cool kids process their avation shots in HDR I thought I'd give it a go. Still a quite a bit to learn, but it was fun! I can't remember the name of the helicopter, just that it is French.
It was much skinnier than I pictured.
Jack loves helicopters so this was a huge treat for him. We often see it flying over us during training. it was very cool to see it up close.
Here is the water bucket used to fight fires for anyone interested in an up-close view.
Not to mention a lesson on engines.
Did I mention it was Zane's first time in the airplane? Check out that toothy smile!
To me, a quick 30 minute outing can be just as memorable as a huge vacation. You just have to know how to look. Growing up, a trip in a hot van full of cousins, windows open, the air heavy with humidity as we made our way to the local Sonic for a round of slushies would make my week. I know that for my boys it will be the little moments, as much as, if not more than, the big ones that will bring a rush of happy memories as they grow up. I hope the fact that I take photos of these little moments helps to cement that lesson.
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